About Joint Conference EPIC – Astechnova 2021
In this year, the 6th Astechnova International Energy Conference will be held together with the 3rd Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC) 2021 as a Joint International Conference in which the two conferences will share the same venue and schedule. The EPIC 2021 promotes the theme “The Roles of Engineering Physics for Sustainable Development Goals” and covers a broad range of topics on engineering physics. The program of these conferences is combined which includes keynote and plenary lectures, parallel presentation, workshop, forum meetings, industry exhibition, as well as best-paper and best-presenter awards. Therefore, the attendees of the Astechnova Conference 2021 will take the benefits of the opportunity to join the lectures, workshops, and exhibitions available on EPIC 2021.
More information about EPIC 2021 can be found on their website: http://epic.ugm.ac.id/
The 6th International Energy Conference